Coming together: Our First All Circles Meeting (Philly Thrive)
Re-posted from PhillyThrive.org. Learn more about Philly Thrive’s Right to Breathe Campaign.
On February 16th all members of Philly Thrive met up in the first all circles meeting. About forty people showed up to touch base across circles, and to plan a path forward.
It was a powerful sight to see so many people united behind the Right to Breathe campaign Each of Thrives action circles had members who came. There were also Thrive members still in the process of forming their circles, and a group of our allies from Action United who came to participate. Some folks there had built deep connections over months of working together. Others were meeting for the first time.
Together, we touched base about our proposed strategy for the next few months — a plan to both grow our movement and call on Philadelphia Energy Solutions to be a better neighbor. We later split off into affinity groups to start talking about what actions we all can take to support this strategy.
Near the end of the night we were asked to take a vote with our feet moving to one side of the room if we were ready to take action, the other if we needed more time. The decision was unanimous: we are ready to fight for our right to breathe.